2013年11月12日 星期二

電影觀後感: Planes

Movie Review: Planes

A cliche story but with great twists of inspirations.

Recently I watched three cartoon movies. One is Turbo, another is Planes and the last, Croods. Among these three, Turbo is the worst to me. I’ll just say it doesn’t talk to my consciousness.

I prefer the inspirations that Plane exhibits and communicates. Pretty much the same as hollywood cartoon movie stories would pan out but Plane has a more sophisticated approach to dealing with it.

An underdog’s fight to its dreams but this time there’s no magic involved or super sudden talent infused by accident. This is what tugs me. How can this underdog fight with nothing but his own will? It leaves more room for viewers to connect together and so it does. And another important element, most of the main character’s companies serve a prupose in this movie ,a drastic contrary to a sheer team of joke-making sidekicks in most other movies. Skip, a war veteran who bears a deep secret of his own gets healed while walking slowly through each flight with the main character.

It’s more convincing for viewers to buy into the story because while teaching us how to face our own problems in reality, I see a vivid reflection of each one of us there in the movie. A small one against the big flow but never give up. We may be limited by physics but we turn this handicap into an advantage by utilizing it through improved skills and we come to know that our biggest fear has always been our best thrust for the finish line!






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