(courtesy to: http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new/ehow/images/a06/vs/hq/pros-borrowing-money-start-business-800x800.jpg)
Front someone a little hunny!
沒有錯,這個front在這裡是俚語的用法,當作動詞借的意思;hunny這個字也是俚語裡頭money的意思。注意一下這個用法的場合與氣氛。Front someone some hunny這樣的用法多半都是用在哥倆好,哥兒們手頭有些緊的時候,出手應急,解解危這樣的情況,當然不會用在陌生的場合啦。這樣的意思,是不是像極了我們中文裡頭,要哥們”借些點,檔一下啦”這樣的意思呢???
A: I’ve been low on cash these days, no can
do for a movie with you guys.
B: Want me to front you some hunnies?
A borrow錢from B (向B借錢)
Ex: Johnson wants to borrow money from mom again.
A lend錢to B (借錢給B)
Ex: Will mother lend money to Johnson?
A loan錢to B (借錢給B)
Ex: I think only a bank would loan money to him now.
A: Mr. Chen, sorry to bother you so late
but I’m helpless. I need to borrow some money from you.
B: No problem! Anytime.